STARBUCKS Instant Coffee Beverage - Caramel Latte (92g)

SKU: 301454219

STARBUCKS Instant Coffee Beverage - Caramel Latte  (92g)


STARBUCKS Instant Coffee Beverage - Caramel Latte (92g)

SKU: 301454219

*Discount product(s) cannot be refunded or returned after the order is placed

$27.00 Regular price $30.00 Sale price10% Off




Origin: Turkey

Storage Condition

Store in cool dry place

Storage Condition: Store in cool dry place

Created by Starbucks master blenders, then carefully roasted and finely ground, this classic beverage combines 100% Arabica beans with dairy milk and the buttery caramel flavour, topped with a soft layer of foam. Now you can enjoy this caramelly and smooth beverage in the comfort of your own home. Stir, sit back and enjoy.

Store in cool dry place

*Photo for reference only.

Created by Starbucks master blenders, then carefully roasted and finely ground, this classic beverage combines 100% Arabica beans with dairy milk and the buttery caramel flavour, topped with a soft layer of foam. Now you can enjoy this caramelly and smooth beverage in the comfort of your own home. Stir, sit back and enjoy.

Store in cool dry place

*Photo for reference only.


STARBUCKS Instant Coffee Beverage - Caramel Latte (92g)

SKU: 301454219

$27.00 Regular price $30.00 Sale price10% Off