RABENHORST Prune Drink (750mL)

SKU: 170100053

RABENHORST Prune Drink  (750mL)
RABENHORST Prune Drink  (750mL)


RABENHORST Prune Drink (750mL)

SKU: 170100053

*Discount product(s) cannot be refunded or returned after the order is placed

$68.00 Regular price $79.00 Sale price13% Off




Origin: Germany

Storage Condition

Keep refrigerated after opening

Storage Condition: Keep refrigerated after opening

RABENHORST has a history of more than 200 years, with the development from a winery in Oberwinter to an international premium juice producer nowadays. The brand is still producing the premium fruit juice according to the traditional recipe. This is a full-bodied, fruity drink made from unsulfured dried plums. The sun-ripened plums were dried and processed into a concentrate, then mixed with water to make a tasty juice. It is well loved by all ages.

Keep refrigerated after opening

*Photo for reference only.

RABENHORST has a history of more than 200 years, with the development from a winery in Oberwinter to an international premium juice producer nowadays. The brand is still producing the premium fruit juice according to the traditional recipe. This is a full-bodied, fruity drink made from unsulfured dried plums. The sun-ripened plums were dried and processed into a concentrate, then mixed with water to make a tasty juice. It is well loved by all ages.

Keep refrigerated after opening

*Photo for reference only.


RABENHORST Prune Drink (750mL)

SKU: 170100053

$68.00 Regular price $79.00 Sale price13% Off